- The fundus images in IDRiD were captured by a retinal specialist at an
Eye Clinic located in Nanded, Maharashtra, India. From the thousands
of examinations available, we have extracted 516 images to form our
- Experts verified that all images are of adequate quality, clinically
relevant, that no image is duplicated and that a reasonable mixture of
disease stratification representative of diabetic retinopathy (DR) and
diabetic macular edema (DME) is present.
** Fundus Camera Specifications** |
Images were acquired using a Kowa VX-10 alpha digital fundus camera with 50-degree field of view (FOV), and all are centered near to the macula. The images have a resolution of 4288×2848 pixels and are stored in jpg file format. The size of each image is about 800 KB. |
The dataset provides expert markups of typical diabetic retinopathy
lesions and normal retinal structures. Furthermore, it provides
information regarding disease severity level of diabetic retinopathy,
and diabetic macular edema for each image in the database based on
international standards of clinical relevance. The details about
available ground-truth are in following sections.
** Pixel Level Annotated Data** |
This dataset consists of 81 color fundus images with signs of DR.
Precise pixel level annotation of abnormalities associated with DR like
microaneurysms (MA), soft exudates (SE), hard exudates (EX) and
hemorrhages (HE) is provided as a binary mask for performance evaluation
of individual lesion segmentation techniques. It includes color fundus
images (.jpg files) and binary masks made of lesions (.tif files).
Number of images (some images contain multiple lesions) with binary
masks available for particular lesion is given as follows:
- MA – 81
- EX – 81
- HE – 80
- SE – 40
In addition to all the abnormalities, binary masks for the optic disc
region are provided for all 81 images.
The medical experts graded the full set of 516 images with a variety of
pathological conditions of DR and DME. Grading for all images is
available in the CSV file. The diabetic retinal images were classified
into separate groups according to the International Clinical Diabetic
Retinopathy Scale. The macular edema severity was decided based on
occurrences of hard exudates near to macula center region. Along with
the annotations presented above, optic disc and fovea center locations
are provided as separate CSV file.
Complete Data can be downloaded from IEEE Dataport Repository: Indian
Diabetic Retinopathy Image Dataset

This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.